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Hey guys, Kaolu here! This time it’s my turn!

The other day I was invited to speak with the members of the Yamagata City Consumer Union.

Normally, I speak in front of children, and with their energetic interruptions and questions everything takes a long time to say. This was my first time speaking in front of adults. I’d being given a 45-minute time slot, but I ran out of things to say in just 15 minutes! I was shocked when I looked at the clock! Even Ms. Suzuki, the president who invited me, was surprised! Time flies when people listen so politely!

I spent the remaining half an hour answering questions, and somehow we made it to the end!

Ms. Suzuki invited me to come and speak after we met at the Yamagata City Organic Agriculture Study Group. Since last year, I've been attending this group, which I got involved with through rice farming and growing safflowers with our friends in Takase.

During the talk, I told everyone how at Deko Boko Eigo, we don't just focus on English, we also learn about Yamagata's culture, such as rice farming and safflower dyeing, and through these experiences we learn all kinds things. I also mentioned, in addition to my qualification to teach English in elementary school, I also have a taxi driver's license, hahaha.

This month in the classroom, our theme is Nengajo (New Year’s cards). Even though postage rates have gone up this year, we’re looking forward to writing this year’s nengajo!

2025 will be the Year of the Snake. In the Chinese Zodiac, the snake symbolises 'steady progress and achieving stability through consistent effort.'

Cheers to that! Wishing everyone happiness and health for the rest of this year!

🤗 ハローヒラリーです!







Ah~! Never-mind! 🫠





場所:デコボコ英語(山形市旅篭町2-2-26庄司ビル4階 電話:023-674-0604)

スピーカー:岩井真由美さん JPブリッジサービスカナダ ltd.代表






Hello, friends! Hilary here!

It’s been a really long time, and although I’m working hard with Kaolu behind the scenes everyday, I don’t get the chance to see you anymore, and I miss you all so much.

Life in NZ is pretty great, but we’re all feeling homesick for Yamagata. Around about now they’d be eating tonnes of imoni, which is not really my thing, so I’d be chowing down on kuri gohan and sukemono. Ah! The heartbreak of food homesickness!

Anyway! I’m getting off topic, I wanted to tell you about our special guest Mayumi Iwai.

This is the third time, I think, that we’ve had Iwai-san visit us. She always brings her daughters along too, and they often volunteer in the classroom. Man, I bet they’ve gotten big now, I wish I could be there to see them 😊

Iwai-san works for a company that facilitates international exchanges for Japanese students in Canada, and every time she comes by it makes me regret not coming to Japan earlier in life.

I had many opportunities to visit Japan during high school, but I never did.

The idea terrified me. I was obsessed with the language, the culture, and of course, Dragonball, and I was determined to move to Japan one day in the future, but for some reason I thought that without a degree to prove to strangers I was fluent, I would be laughed out of the country.

Total rubbish of course. After graduating from university, I felt like I knew less than when I’d started, and when I did end up moving to Yamagata, no one made fun of my terrible accent and grammar, on the contrary, everyone praised my interest, and terrible chopstick skills!

All this to say, one of the only things I regret in life is not taking the opportunity to visit Japan when I was younger. The chance to experience the reality of life in a totally alien country, to hear the language as it’s really spoken, to make friends with people I would otherwise never meet, and to improve my future university understanding? Heck yes!

If you are interested in seeing what kind of options are available for you and your children, please come to Iwai-san’s talk, bring your ratbags along too!


Topic:Information for those interested in an exchange experience in Canada

Availability:10 groups (Feel free to bring your children!)

Place:Deko Boko Eigo (4F Shoji Building, 2-2-26 Hatago-machi, Yamagata, Tel: 023-674-0604

Speaker:Mayumi Iwai-san (Representative of JP Bridge Services Canada Ltd)


Please call us and book your spot, there are still some spots available! Kaolu and Sato-chan are always happy to hear from you, and I’m always cheering you on from NZ!

That’s all from me for now, friends! Talk to you soon!






A little while ago, Moriya-san, a gentleman who has been practicing organic rice farming for many years in Tendo city generously taught us about composting and weed control to help us with our own organic rice farming project in Takase. Even though everything he knows has been hard earned, there was no gate keeping the secrets of organic farming, in fact he told us that if anything he knew could help contribute to a healthier, safer world for children, he was all in.

What an absolute legend.





Not too long after that, the mother of one of our recently graduated students contacted us to let us know how she was doing at school. We were overwhelmed to hear that not only had she written a speech for an upcoming competition on the topic of 'Gender', but thanks to all the hard work she had done with us over the past 6 years, she felt more confident speaking English than any of her classmates.




Another veteran student of ours has actually entered the same competition, the theme she chose to talk about is 'Stereotypes'. They're both challenging, nuanced topics, but it's not surprising, they're both brilliant, confident young women, and these are themes the we talk about often at Deko Boko Eigo.



It's why we started this classroom. Like Moriya-san, we wanted to do everything in our combined power to help raise the next generation of open minded, confident, and kind people, and it's thrilling to hear that we're making progress.



It's been almost 7 years since we opened our doors in September of 2017. We have worked hard to support our students, and organise lessons that provide enriching new experiences for them. It has been our honour to be a part of their busy lives, and we are so grateful to our students, their families, and to everyone in the community who has supported us. This year has brought enormous changes to our classroom, and were still trying to get a handle on how best to forge ahead, but we know however hard it may be, we must take the time to reflect on the support of our awesome community and the amazing challenges our students are taking on, and know that it will always be worth the struggle.

Thank you, friends. Deko Boko Eigo loves you!

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