In September, our students helped us harvest the Deko Boko rice and stack it up on stakes to dry. Although the yield was less than last year, we have been assured by our farmer friends in Takase that it will be exceptionally delicious! We grew it without using any chemical fertilisers, and instead relied on rice bran, wood vinegar, and cow and chicken manure. The traditional method of naturally drying the rice on stakes also has the benefit of preventing cracks in the grain. Ah, thank goodness there was an upside to all that hard manual labour!
However, the decrease in yield indicates that the soil needs some TLC. When using a combine harvester, the leftover grain stalks (wara) are sprinkled back over the field and make an excellent fertiliser, however, we hand harvest each stalk, and like to keep the leftover stalks to make traditional New Year's decorations with our students in December, so we miss out on this step. To make up for this, we are considering spreading cow manure over the field this autumn to help get it ready for next year's crop.
In November, we will have a special Onigiri tea
time before class, and enjoy Deko Boko rice with some of the Deko Boko Miso we made 2 years ago with our friend Aya-san. We can't wait!
