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カヌーを楽しもう/Canoeing in Kaminoyama

ゲスト:OUTDOOR SHOP DECEMBERの菊地大二郎さん 日時: 6月30日土曜日 

It was a perfect morning for canoeing in Kaminoyama with Mr. Kikuchi. When we arrived, Mr. Kikuchi helped everyone put on a life jacket, and then showed us the right way to hold a paddle, after which everyone jumped into the water to float around in their life jackets. Everyone looked really happy and relaxed, and after seeing how good the life jackets are at keeping them safe in the water, everyone was ready to get into their canoes. Steering the canoes was much harder than it looked, but eventually everyone got the hang of it, and had a wonderful time. One of our students even found a beautiful giant dragonfly in the water, and managed to save it from drowning. It was a fantastic experience, and we highly recommend contacting Mr. Kikuchi if you're interested in trying canoeing. He's a wonderful teacher, especially with our younger friends, and is always happy to help people learn how to enjoy canoeing. We look forward to going again next year! Thank you all so much! カヌー日和のすっきりと晴れた朝、上山市内にあるダムへ到着しました。今日の先生、菊地大二郎さんにまずはライフジャケットの身につけ方を教えてもらい、次にパドルを何となく手に取ってみて、そしてどっぽーん!っと水に飛び込んだ子どもたち。冷たい水に浮きながら見上げた青空は最高でしたね。ライフジャケットを着ていれば大丈夫だという安心感を得た後、それぞれがカヌーに乗りこみました。見た目よりずっと難しいパドルの扱い方に、はじめは戸惑う子どもたちもいましたが、徐々に慣れカヌーが前に進むようになっていました。中にはこつをつかみ思い通りにカヌーを進ませることができる子もいて、おぼれていたオニヤンマを助けるなどの出来事もありました。



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