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ベビー/チャイルドマッサージ&子育てプチ講座〜 Baby Massage and Morning Tea April

ゲスト: 鈴木千恵さん (ベビーマッサージ教室 arch)

日時: 4月27日土曜日

Deko Boko Eigo's Friday morning Kosodate Support group was joined by Chie Suzuki, who taught us some excellent baby and child massage techniques, and then we enjoyed a nice cup of tea with sweets provided by MOCO-CHOCO, while Chie-san led a discussion about how to raise children to be confident and independent. It was great to have Chie-san as our special guest, and we hope to see her again soon! If you're interested in finding out more about baby/child massage then please take a look at Chie-san's website here. Thanks to everyone who took part!

毎週金曜日開講中の子育てサポートに、ベビーマッサージ教室 archの鈴木千恵さんをお招きし「ベビー&チャイルドマッサージと子育てプチ講座」を開催しました。モコチョコのおやつと紅茶で、リラックスした楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。千恵さんありがとうございます。

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