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そば処庄司屋さんと蕎麦を作ろう Making Soba with Mr. Shoji

Making Soba with Mr. Shoji



We had a brilliant soba making workshop with the incredible Shoji-san. After a quick demonstration, we all got stuck in, kneading, rolling, cutting, and of course, eating our own soba noodles. Shoji-san made it look a lot easier than it it really was, especially the first stage, where we had to knead the dough. The amount of water and the zombie/cat hand technique are quite difficult to do properly, but everyone tried their hardest, and we were able to make delicious soba, which we then ate at Shoji-ya.

Thank you all for coming, and a special thanks to the soba legend Shoji san, for sharing his skills! そば処庄司屋五代目の庄司信彦さんにお越し頂き、蕎麦の作り方を教えていただきました。デモンストレーションの時は簡単そうに見えたところも、実際にやってみると難しかった! 庄司さんの明るいキャラクターで、とても楽しい蕎麦作りになりました。ありがとうございます! ​自分たちが作った蕎麦は、やはり格別でした。

Check out Shojiya's homepage here.

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