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Christmas Wreath Making with Yukako


The wonderful Yukako-san from ハナ came to Deko Boko Eigo and taught us how to make a beautiful Christmas wreath. Yukako-san brought a lot of gorgeous, wintery green plants, pine cones, cracked cotton bolls, and ornaments, and we put together some adorably festive wreaths. We also enjoyed a Christmas tea time, with non alcoholic mulled wine (a big hit with the parents...not so much with our younger friends), and some Christmas ornament cookies, made with love by MOCO-CHOCO. 「ハナ」のゆかこさんが、子どもたちでも楽しめるクリスマスリース作りを教えてくださいました。季節の植物を使って作ったリースは、みんなそれぞれに味があって素敵でした。 ノンアルコールのモルドワインとモコチョコさんがこしらえたオーナメントクッキーでのティータイムも最高でした。

Check out ハナ's instagram here.

Making Soba with Mr. Shoji



We had a brilliant soba making workshop with the incredible Shoji-san. After a quick demonstration, we all got stuck in, kneading, rolling, cutting, and of course, eating our own soba noodles. Shoji-san made it look a lot easier than it it really was, especially the first stage, where we had to knead the dough. The amount of water and the zombie/cat hand technique are quite difficult to do properly, but everyone tried their hardest, and we were able to make delicious soba, which we then ate at Shoji-ya.

Thank you all for coming, and a special thanks to the soba legend Shoji san, for sharing his skills! そば処庄司屋五代目の庄司信彦さんにお越し頂き、蕎麦の作り方を教えていただきました。デモンストレーションの時は簡単そうに見えたところも、実際にやってみると難しかった! 庄司さんの明るいキャラクターで、とても楽しい蕎麦作りになりました。ありがとうございます! ​自分たちが作った蕎麦は、やはり格別でした。

Check out Shojiya's homepage here.

Making Wagashi with Mr. Toda



We were delighted to have Mr. Toda from Todaya Shodo come and teach us how to make wagashi, and then enjoy eating our delicious hard work with a cup of matcha.

We learned the basic skills needed to make a gorgeous cherry blossom shaped jo namagashi, and afterwards Mr. Toda gave a demonstration of his incredible skills. I still can't believe t

hat such beautiful works of art are supposed to be eaten! Thank you so much for coming, I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!

戸田屋正道三代目の戸田健志さんにお越しいただき、和菓子(上生菓子)作りを教えていただきました。子供たちが作ったさくらの花のかたちの上生菓子と、自分たちで点てた抹茶で贅沢なティータイムを過ごしました。 戸田さんの職人技を目にした時の子どもたちの笑みと歓喜の声。まるでヒーローを囲んでいるようでした。

Check out Todaya Shodo's homepage here.

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