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サンタさんを作りましょう!DIY Santa decorations

やまがたで知らない人はいないほど有名な「枝でこしらえたサンタ」。そのサンタ作家のゆうのすけさんをデコボコ英語にお招きしました。 子どもたちがそれぞれ自分だけのオリジナルサンタを描き、モコチョコさんお手製の「ゆうのすけサンタ」スウィーツでティータイムを楽しむ、少し早いデコボコ英語のクリスマスワークショップでした。 ゆうのすけさん、モコチョコさん、文さん、そして参加してくださった皆さん、ありがとう!

This Saturday, a very special Christmas guest (a little early, we know, but we always get too excited around the holidays!) came to Deko Boko Eigo and taught us how to make ridiculously cute Santa figures to help us start December off on the right foot! For many years, Mr. Yunosuke Takahashi has been brightening up Yamagata with his adorable decorations, and we were all thrilled to get the chance to meet a local legend. We took a quick break for a cup of tea and some chocolatey Christmas treats, courtesy of the one and only MOCO-CHOCO, and a few festive stories, before putting the finishing touches on our tiny masterpieces. Yunosuke-san, it was real honor to have you, thank you for making us smile! Big thanks also to the wonderful Aya-san, and to everyone who came and took part!

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