先週末は、杉の下意匠室のお二人をお招きし「年賀状づくり」をしました。 来年の干支である「子」を描き→選んで→レイアウトを考える。みんなものすごく真剣に素敵な作品を作り上げていました。最後に、作品のどこに一番力をいれたかプレゼンしてもらい、お二人からの感想も頂きました。 参加してくださった皆さん、そして杉の下意匠室のお二人、ありがとうございます!できあがりが楽しみです!
Last weekend, Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Koseki from Suginoshita Ishoushitsu joined us once again to walk us through the art of putting together the perfect Nengajou (New Year's card).This year, we focused on the mouse, the Chinese Zodiac animal for 2020, and put together some really creative and interesting designs. Our two guests talked about the process of drawing, choosing, and putting together the layout, before scanning them into the computer and presenting the designs to the whole group. To finish up, we talked individually about the main focus of each design and received professional feedback on the final product. Thanks to everyone who took part! We can't wait to see how they all turn out!