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毎日の和食を御りょうり屋伊藤さんから学ぼう Everyday Washoku

道南真昆布と削り立ての鰹節で引いた一番だし。まさに目から鱗の味でした。御りょうり屋伊藤さんをお招きしての「Everyday WASHOKU」ワークショップ。毎日の食卓にぜひ和食を、と語る伊藤さんの想いを伺い、そして伊藤さんのこしらえた最高に美味しい和食で、幸せいっぱいの時間でした。

This month, we were joined by chef Itou, who came to teach us about ‘Everyday Washoku’. We learned about the importance of dashi in Japanese cuisine, what the main ingredients are, where in Japan they come from, and how to make it. Chef Itou is dedicated to passing on this important know how to the next generation, and we all had a brilliant, delicious time learning about Japan’s beautiful food culture!

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