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ハナさんとクリスマスリース作り Making a Christmas Wreath with Yukako

ゲスト: ハナ の ユカコさん

12月8日土曜日 9:30am-11:30am

今年のクリスマスもまた、たくさんのエバーグリーンに囲まれながら、ハナのユカコさんからリース教室を開いていただきました。リースの由来、そして使用する材料などを英語で学び、作成中もWrap、 Choose、 Attach、を使いながら、親子協働作業で自分たちだけのリースを作り上げました。ユカコさん、それからアシスタントの門馬ちゃん、ありがとうございました!

This December, we were very happy to be joined once again by Yukako-san for a lesson in wreath making. First, we learned about the purpose of wreath making, and talked about their significance at Christmas time. We then mastered the three key verbs for making wreaths: wrap, choose, attach. Finally, we got elbow deep in evergreen, pine cones, rose hips, cotton flowers, ornaments, and all manner of strange and beautiful dried flowers provided by Yukako-san from her gorgeous shop, Hana. Working in pairs, and with Yukako-san’s expert advice, everyone wrapped with evergreen, chose their decorations, and attached them to their wreaths, making some truly lovely Christmas decorations. Thank you to everyone who took part, especially Yukako-san, and her kind assistant Monma-chan. Merry Christmas to all!

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