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紅花とまつり Celebrating Benibana


This July we had three very important guests. Mr. Inoue and Mr. Ujikawa from Takase came to Dekobokoeigo and talked to our little friends about Benibana and Shishi Odori. Mr. Ujikawa came in full costume, and together with Mr. Inoue, they explained the intricacies of the Shishi Kashira. (In case you were wondering, it doesn’t look half as intimidating on smaller friends!) We were also joined by Ms. Kanamori, a dying and fabric expert, who showed us how to turn our Benibana petals (harvested from our very own Benibana farm!) into a dye, and we made some very pretty paintings with two shades of Beni dye, and Japanese Washi paper. What a lovely workshop! Thank you everyone!

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